JCAPSMentor - Java CAPS Unleashed - Basic to Expert Discussions

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JCAPS 6 Tour

OverView of JCAPS 6

Java CAPS 6 will include Netbeans 6.1, Glassfish v2 and OpenESB v2. It will also include the Repository module coming from Java CAPS 5 so that you will be able to import Java CAPS 5 projects. You can integrate Java CAPS 5 projects with OpenESB and Java EE applications because all are running on the same Glassfish v2 application server.

New Features of JCAPS 6

v NetBeans 6.1 Based Tooling

  • Complete backward compatible support for repository-based applications
  • JCA Adapter support in EJB Web Services
  • QoS (Quality of Service) enhancements in JBI Composite Application Editor
  • Support for Solaris, Linux and Mac

· Support for Repository, Java EE and JBI applications with Solid Management Foundation : Rich set of management APIs

· Scriptable with an JS-223 compliant scripting language

· Enterprise Manager enhanced for use with the Sun Java Application Server 9.1

· Integrated JBI (Java Business Integration) management in the Sun Java Application Server 9.1 console and CLI (Command Line Interface)

v Improved Installation Experience

· Simple installation with a set of preloaded components

· Multi-platform support: Windows, Solaris, AIX, Linux and Mac

· Service tag registration

v New JCA Adapter Pack that caters to the integrations needs of Java EE developers

· File, JMS, Batch, Oracle, Oracle Applications, JDBC, Siebel, TCP/IP, SAP BAPI and SAP ALE

· Available as a separate component in MEP (Message Exchange Pattern) Project

v Cluster enabled JBI runtime with Systemic Quality Improvements

v BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) 2.0 runtime is faster and scalable and includes a configurable QOS

v New Master Date Management (MDM) Suite

· Bulk matching and loading tool

· Service enabled

· Source extraction support by means of the Data Integrator

· New and enhanced Master Index Data Manager GUI

· Full XA Support

· Extensible matching and standardization engine

v Intelligent Event Processor (IEP): Offers the ability to identify trends and patterns in real-time, enabling organizations to address critical business issues and take corrective actions proactively.

v Business Process Management: Supports BPEL 2, includes new high availability and fail over features, and provides monitoring processes through integration with IEP.

v Open Source, Pluggable—Lowers risk and eliminates vendor lock-in through the development of Java CAPS in the Open ESB community.

v Unified—Provides a common design, management, and monitoring environment for all integration components within the suite.

v Comprehensive—delivers a complete, secure, scalable platform to support a service-oriented architecture (SOA) encompassing new development and legacy reuse.

v The complete JCAPS 6 Release installation includes

· NetBeans IDE

· Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

· Sun Java MQ

· Sun JMS IQ Manager

· Java CAPS Enterprise Manager

· Java CAPS Repository

· Derby Java DB

· UDDI Server

· Core Products: ESB, BPM, Composite Page Designer, Data Integrator


· Encoders

· Repository-Based Adapters: Batch/FTP, DB2 Connect, eMail, File, HTTP(s), JDBC/ODBC, Oracle, SQL

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For developing WEB SERVICES:

If there are more than one Web services involved please follows the below process;

While orchestrating multiple web services in a single business process the following things should be observed:
a. The input and output schema of each web service should not contain mandatory elements
b. The input and output schema of a web service should not be the same.
c. In the WSDL editor, the input and output of the execute port type should be Input and Output respectively.
d. In the WSDL editor, under Messages, the input message should be InputMessage with part name as Request.
e. In the WSDL editor, under Messages, the output message should be OutputMessage with part name as Response.

  • Check the tool tip of methods in JCAPS eWays and see what exceptions they might be throwing. Accordingly one can decide which needs to be caught according to functional requirements
  • Always test the input XML file with XSD OTD tester before using it for the process.
  • EVision components like link should be created for each process separately. It should not be referred in other processes/applications.
  • Displaying values on eVision pages using Custom Objects involves many issues and overheads hence as far as possible avoid using it and use JCD’s to format the display fields for the eVision pages.
  • Instead of using PC name or local host give IP Address for the ‘Integration Server URL’ (hostname) in environment settings of logical host.
  • Avoid coping GUI components (pages and pages components) across repository projects because the component id’s get changed in the process.

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JCAPS6 - netbeans - TCPIP component having Exclamation mark
Case Study:
We are migrating our projects from JCAPS 5.1 to 6. So the major differences between the latest version is the Netbeans IDE that we would be using instead of eDesigner. Few of our earlier project that were built using eDesigner were we had used the TCP/IP component (Service). But when we imported that project into our current JCAPS 6 repository, the TCP/IP Components are having Exclamation mark on it (in the right menu where we have the tres structure.). All our projects are repository based ones. We have imported the TCPIPeway.sar into the repository. Then too we are unable to find the component in the CMAP Canvas Toolbar. (the place where we can see all the components (service) like Oracle, Batch,, Email, etc).

In Netbeans->Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins locate all plugins that are in the category of "Sun Adapters", check the checkbox in front of their names and click the install button. Restart IDE.

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JCAPS book published - [JCAPS Training]
Java CAPS Basics: Implementing Common EAI Patterns

As far as I know the first and only Java CAPS book being published. This one is covering SUN JavaCAPS 5.1.X related issues.Coverage includes* Comparing approaches to enterprise application integration and finding ways to integrate non-invasively, with fewer changes and lower costs* Mastering the core integration tools provided by Java CAPS: eGate, eInsight, eWays and JMS* Using enterprise integration patterns to improve application reusability, scalability, resilience, security, and manageability* Implementing patterns for message exchange, correlation, infrastructure, routing, construction, transformation, and endpoints* Generating and using cryptographic objects such as X.509 Certificates, PKCS#12, and JKS Keystores* Using advanced techniques such as solution partitioning and subprocess implementation, many of which are covered nowhere else* Constructing two complete example solutions that bring together many of the patterns discussed and illustrated in this book.

Product Details:
Hardcover: 496 pagesPublisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 1 edition (May 3, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0137130716ISBN-13: 978-0137130719Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.1 x 1.2 inches Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

You can purchase the book on Amazon. Click on the following link:

My only complaint with this book is with the word "Basics" in title. :)

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Manesh Abhimanyu
Manesh is a Sr. EAI Consultant, at present working in Singapore (Little Red Dot).

His focus is in the areas of SOA, ESB and Enterprise Architecture Management.

Contact him via email (mak2powerATyahoo.co.in)

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Manesh Abhimanyu K. (Mak)

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