Java CAPS Basics: Implementing Common EAI Patterns
As far as I know the first and only Java CAPS book being published. This one is covering SUN JavaCAPS 5.1.X related issues.Coverage includes* Comparing approaches to enterprise application integration and finding ways to integrate non-invasively, with fewer changes and lower costs* Mastering the core integration tools provided by Java CAPS: eGate, eInsight, eWays and JMS* Using enterprise integration patterns to improve application reusability, scalability, resilience, security, and manageability* Implementing patterns for message exchange, correlation, infrastructure, routing, construction, transformation, and endpoints* Generating and using cryptographic objects such as X.509 Certificates, PKCS#12, and JKS Keystores* Using advanced techniques such as solution partitioning and subprocess implementation, many of which are covered nowhere else* Constructing two complete example solutions that bring together many of the patterns discussed and illustrated in this book.
Product Details: Hardcover: 496 pagesPublisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 1 edition (May 3, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0137130716ISBN-13: 978-0137130719Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.1 x 1.2 inches Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
You can purchase the book on Amazon. Click on the following link:
My only complaint with this book is with the word "Basics" in title. :)Labels: eai, jcaps, jcaps training, messeging, patterns |