JCAPSMentor - Java CAPS Unleashed - Basic to Expert Discussions

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Steps to create a new CAPS 6 domain
1. Create the new domain
    Ensure the .../appserver/bin folder is in your path (for asadmin) and create a new domain "domain2" with:
    asadmin create-domain --portbase 19000 domain2
   When prompted, use either the following defaults or your preferred values:
    Username = admin
    Password = adminadmin
    Master Password = changeit

2. Add STCMS to the new domain (optional)
    If you require STCMS (SeeBeyond JMS) support in the new domain, install embedded STCMS support into the new domain with:

    asadmin create-stcms --domainname domain2 --stcmsport 19007 IQ_Manager_19007

    Stcms instance created:
    Domain Path: C:\dev\CAPS6\appserver\domains\domain2
    Domain Name: domain2
    Stcms Name: IQ_Manager_19007
    Stcms Port: 19007
    Stcms SSL Port: 19008
    Stcms Enabled: true

3. Start the new domain
    Start the new domain with:

    asadmin start-domain domain2

    NB: You may see a NullPointerException when starting up the domain for the first time. This is due to Access Manager not being set up correctly on the new domain (a known issue). You can suppress the NPE by adding the following entry:


   into the file
   domains//config/domain-registry before starting the domain for the first time. The first time you start the domain you will see the following message:

   Error: Access Manager - Can't find the node /domain/applications/lifecycle-module[@name= 'AMConfiguratorLifeCycleModule']/@enabled The operation DISABLE on the addon am-configurator is complete.

  Subsequent starts will now not display the error.

4. Install Runtime Installation

    Install the extra bits for CAPS 6, known as the Runtime Installation.

    You can do this either by configuring system properties or using a properties file. I choose to do this using the latter. For this, you need to locate and modify the install.properties file in your

   .../JavaCAPS6/appserver/addons/caps folder.

  Modify the following properties as necessary for your new domain. If you've used a different password, modify the relevant password fields also (the property names are self-explanatory).

    # The name of the domain caps.domain.name=domain2

    # The admin http or https port caps.admin.port=19048 If you require UDDI support (a WAR file to be deployed):

   # ----- UDDI ------------------------------------------
   # If the UDDI .war files need to be deployed, change this caps.uddi.install=true Likewise, if you require STCMS (SeeBeyond JMS) support set the following:

  # ----- STCMS ------------------------------------------
  # If STCMS needs to be installed, change this to true caps.stcms.install=true ...and uncomment the required operating system for installation, e.g. for Windows: caps.stcms.os=win32 Now, with domain2 running, execute the following to apply the CAPS 6 runtime using the new properties: asant -f ../addons/caps/install.xml NB: The above command assumes you are running it from the ../appserver/bin folder

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Manesh Abhimanyu
Manesh is a Sr. EAI Consultant, at present working in Singapore (Little Red Dot).

His focus is in the areas of SOA, ESB and Enterprise Architecture Management.

Contact him via email (mak2powerATyahoo.co.in)

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Manesh Abhimanyu K. (Mak)

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