Case Study: We are migrating our projects from JCAPS 5.1 to 6. So the major differences between the latest version is the Netbeans IDE that we would be using instead of eDesigner. Few of our earlier project that were built using eDesigner were we had used the TCP/IP component (Service). But when we imported that project into our current JCAPS 6 repository, the TCP/IP Components are having Exclamation mark on it (in the right menu where we have the tres structure.). All our projects are repository based ones. We have imported the TCPIPeway.sar into the repository. Then too we are unable to find the component in the CMAP Canvas Toolbar. (the place where we can see all the components (service) like Oracle, Batch,, Email, etc).
Resolution: In Netbeans->Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins locate all plugins that are in the category of "Sun Adapters", check the checkbox in front of their names and click the install button. Restart IDE.Labels: jcaps, jcaps migration |