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For developing WEB SERVICES:

If there are more than one Web services involved please follows the below process;

While orchestrating multiple web services in a single business process the following things should be observed:
a. The input and output schema of each web service should not contain mandatory elements
b. The input and output schema of a web service should not be the same.
c. In the WSDL editor, the input and output of the execute port type should be Input and Output respectively.
d. In the WSDL editor, under Messages, the input message should be InputMessage with part name as Request.
e. In the WSDL editor, under Messages, the output message should be OutputMessage with part name as Response.

  • Check the tool tip of methods in JCAPS eWays and see what exceptions they might be throwing. Accordingly one can decide which needs to be caught according to functional requirements
  • Always test the input XML file with XSD OTD tester before using it for the process.
  • EVision components like link should be created for each process separately. It should not be referred in other processes/applications.
  • Displaying values on eVision pages using Custom Objects involves many issues and overheads hence as far as possible avoid using it and use JCD’s to format the display fields for the eVision pages.
  • Instead of using PC name or local host give IP Address for the ‘Integration Server URL’ (hostname) in environment settings of logical host.
  • Avoid coping GUI components (pages and pages components) across repository projects because the component id’s get changed in the process.

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Manesh Abhimanyu
Manesh is a Sr. EAI Consultant, at present working in Singapore (Little Red Dot).

His focus is in the areas of SOA, ESB and Enterprise Architecture Management.

Contact him via email (mak2powerATyahoo.co.in)

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